Warning: This blog is dangerous. My greatest fear is that by hunting down the most spectacular stories in medieval history and presenting them to you, gentle readers, you will become dismissive of those silly barbarians of the pre-quadra-digit centuries.
That is not what I want. I don't want you to chuckle to yourself, thinking, "Oh, that wacky Chilperic, always pushing people off of things." Or, "Oh, Bede, so confused by women!" Yes, my money's on Chilperic pushing that guy off that wall, and Bede does spend a suspicious amount of time explaining women, but that's not everything that is there.
Besides, some pretty crazy shit happens these days, too. These people are not stupider or less rational than we are now; they simply know, care about, and want to express different things than we might.
At the same time, I think that this blog is genuine. These stories are set down because they are supposed to elicit reactions. We are seeing real life battles of good and evil play out before our very eyes, people! Well, I am. The morals are boring, and only marginally cohesive at best over wide swathes of text, so you're getting the snippets that I deem "interesting."
Who am I? I am Medievalist-in-Training, bringing the Middle Ages to the masses through the magic of the internet. I'm an undergraduate at a liberal arts college far removed from civilization, and I (drunkenly?) stumbled into this discipline one fine semester while desperately trying to avoid becoming a Classicist or english major. Shit.
Welcome to Narrative Addict, home of stories straight from the history books, or literature masquerading as history. I deal in both.
One final note: "Noooooo, M-i-T," you will say, "don't do it! You have so much to live for." Between sobs, you will say: "The academy: it is dead! The professorate: it is gone!" I will calmly pat you back and say, "I know, honey, but we all have to try!"
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